Title: untitled
Creator: Brad Schwieger
Date: 2009
Temperature: cone 10
Technique: throwing and altering
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | soda
Material: stoneware
Object Type: sculptures
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Link to image: link
Title: Untitled
Date: 2006
Date: 2007
Title: Tower
Date: 2008
Technique: throwing | handbuilding | press molding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: wood firing
Material: stoneware | porcelain | mixed media
Glazing/Surface Treatment: salt glaze
Title: Untitled / detail (detail)
Title: Untitled (detail)
Material: stoneware | porcelain
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze
untitled Brad Schwieger
Untitled Brad Schwieger
Tower Brad Schwieger
Untitled / detail (detail) Brad Schwieger
Untitled (detail) Brad Schwieger