Title: Zebra Grill
Creator: Roxanne Jackson
Date: 2008
Temperature: cone 04
Technique: handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: electric oxidation
Material: stoneware
Object Type: figurative sculptures
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Title: Zebra Grill (view 2)
Title: Lost Wisdom (Hyena #1)
Date: 2007
Title: Lost Wisdom (Hyena #2)
Title: Lost Wisdom (Installation shot))
Title: Lost Wisdom (Installation shot #2))
Title: What Have You Learned?
Date: 2006
Title: There's Already So Much Pain in the World, Why Not make Something Beautiful?
Date: 2004
Material: terracotta | resin
Title: Muscle Memory
Material: terracotta
Title: Eat Your Heart Out
Temperature: cone 06
Glazing/Surface Treatment: flocking | colored slip
Material: flocking
Object Type: sculptures
Title: Eat Your Heart Out (detail) (detail)
Title: Ouroboros
Glazing/Surface Treatment: colored slip
Title: Ouroboros (alternate view) (detail)
Title: Schism
Glazing/Surface Treatment: stain
Title: Must Find Truth (installation view)
Material: flocking | earth | adhesive
Title: Rorschach Sticker
Temperature: unfired
Glazing/Surface Treatment:
Material: acrylic laminate
Object Type: wall stickers
Title: Hip Hop Horses
Material: ceramic | earth | flocking
Title: Soft Spot
Material: ceramic | flocking
Title: Hoody
Date: 2009
Glazing/Surface Treatment: gold luster
Material: ceramic | hoody | flocking
Title: Becoming
Material: ceramic | fur | gold leaf
Title: Heavy Becoming
Technique: casting
Material: aluminum | silver leaf
Object Type: aluminum cast (rabbit fur)
Title: Pachyderm
Material: polystyrene foam | plaster | gold brick | flocking
Title: Untitled
Technique: handbuilding | video | painting
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze
Material: ceramic | synthetic hair
Title: We Believe in Some thing (panoramic view) (detail)
Material: ceramic | foam | plaster | fur | video
Object Type: installations
Title: Lyuba Rorschach
Technique: painting
Object Type: wall paintings
Title: Lyuba Twins
Technique: handbuilding | assemblage
Title: Lyuba Twins (detail) (detail)
Title: Lyuba Twins (installation)
Title: Lyuba Twins (installation-view 2)
Zebra Grill Roxanne Jackson
Lost Wisdom (Installation shot)) Roxanne Jackson
Muscle Memory Roxanne Jackson
Ouroboros (alternate view) (detail) Roxanne Jackson
Hip Hop Horses Roxanne Jackson
Heavy Becoming Roxanne Jackson
Lyuba Rorschach Roxanne Jackson
Lyuba Twins (installation-view 2) Roxanne Jackson
Zebra Grill (view 2) Roxanne Jackson
Lost Wisdom (Installation shot #2)) Roxanne Jackson
Eat Your Heart Out Roxanne Jackson
Schism Roxanne Jackson
Soft Spot Roxanne Jackson
Pachyderm Roxanne Jackson
Lyuba Twins Roxanne Jackson
Lost Wisdom (Hyena #1) Roxanne Jackson
What Have You Learned? Roxanne Jackson
Eat Your Heart Out (detail) (detail) Roxanne Jackson
Must Find Truth (installation view) Roxanne Jackson
Hoody Roxanne Jackson
Untitled Roxanne Jackson
Lyuba Twins (detail) (detail) Roxanne Jackson
Lost Wisdom (Hyena #2) Roxanne Jackson
There's Already So Much Pain in the World, Why Not make Something Beautiful? Roxanne Jackson
Ouroboros Roxanne Jackson
Rorschach Sticker Roxanne Jackson
Becoming Roxanne Jackson
We Believe in Some thing (panoramic view) (detail) Roxanne Jackson
Lyuba Twins (installation) Roxanne Jackson