Title: Still Life with Skull and Glass
Creator: Richard Shaw
Date: 2009
Temperature: cone 6
Technique: slip casting | handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | overglaze decals
Material: porcelain | blown glass | decal
Object Type: still lifes
Save Image: download (right-click, select "save as")
Link to image: link
Title: Red House of Cards with Teddy’s Poem
Material: porcelain | decal
Title: Pin Cushion Jar with Four Books
Technique: handbuilding | slip casting
Object Type: boxes
Title: Opened Black Paint Box Teapot
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze
Object Type: teapots | sculptures
Title: Canton Collection
Technique: throwing | slip casting | handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: wax out | glaze | underglaze | overglaze
Still Life with Skull and Glass Richard Shaw
Canton Collection Richard Shaw
Red House of Cards with Teddy’s Poem Richard Shaw
Pin Cushion Jar with Four Books Richard Shaw
Opened Black Paint Box Teapot Richard Shaw