Title: Pedestal Vase with Circles
Creator: Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Date: 2010
Temperature: cone 9
Technique: image transfer | reduction cooling | throwing
Glazing/Surface Treatment: image transfer
Material: stoneware
Object Type: vases
Save Image: download (right-click, select "save as")
Link to image: link
Title: Pedestal Vase with Iznik pattern
Technique: image transfer | throwing | reduction cooling
Glazing/Surface Treatment: volumetric image transfer
Title: Pedestal Vase with Yellowed Iznik Pattern
Title: Pedestal Vase
Title: Pedestal Vase with Coptic Crosses
Title: Tall Pitcher
Object Type: pitchers
Title: Pitcher
Title: Bottom Heavy Pitcher
Technique: reduction cooling | throwing | image transfer
Pedestal Vase with Circles Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Pedestal Vase with Coptic Crosses Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Pedestal Vase with Iznik pattern Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Tall Pitcher Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Pedestal Vase with Yellowed Iznik Pattern Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Pitcher Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Pedestal Vase Forrest Lesch-Middelton
Bottom Heavy Pitcher Forrest Lesch-Middelton