Title: Paperweight Dish
Creator: Joanna Pike
Date: 2013
Temperature: cone 10 | reduction | cone 04 | oxidation
Technique: press molding | handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | overglaze
Material: stoneware | colored slip
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Title: Landfill No.44: Northern Cross Section
Creator: Jonathan Mess
Date: 2012
Technique: solid casting | cutting
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze
Material: clay | colored slip | reclaimed clay | earthenware | stoneware
Object Type: sculptures
Title: Landfill No.43: Southern Cross Section
Material: clay | colored slip | paperclay | reclaimed clay | earthenware | stoneware
Title: Landfill No.43: Central Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.29: Cross Sections
Title: Landfill No.29: Central Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.27: Western Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.21: Northeast Corner Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.21: Central Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.16: Northern Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.7: Western Cross Section
Title: Landfill No.7: Southeast Corner Cross Section
Material: clay | reclaimed clay | colored slip | paperclay | stoneware | earthenware
Title: Landfill No.7: Northeast Corner Cross Section
Title: Each bone, another shadow
Creator: Jessica Kreutter
Temperature: cone 10
Technique: handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: polishing
Material: porcelain | colored slip | found object | wood | laminate
Title: Of ruin and rooms that breathe (detail)
Technique: handbuilding | press molding
Material: porcelain | colored slip | found object
Title: Of ruin and rooms that breathe
Title: Green and Blue Basket
Creator: Victoria Christen
Temperature: cone 04 | oxidation
Technique: coiling | throwing
Glazing/Surface Treatment: slip | glaze
Material: earthenware | colored slip
Object Type: baskets
Title: Yellow Teapot
Date: 2011
Temperature: cone 04
Technique: throwing
Glazing/Surface Treatment: colored slip | underglaze | sgraffito | glaze
Material: red earthenware | colored slip
Object Type: teapots
Title: Yellow Shovel
Technique: slab method
Glazing/Surface Treatment: sgraffito | colored slip | underglaze | glaze
Title: Yellow Mug
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | underglaze | colored slip | sgraffito
Object Type: mugs
Title: White Shovel
Glazing/Surface Treatment: colored slip | sgraffito | glaze | underglaze
Title: White and Yellow shovel pots
Glazing/Surface Treatment: colored slip | underglaze | glaze | sgraffito
Title: White and Red Basket
Technique: coiling
Paperweight Dish Joanna Pike
Landfill No.29: Cross Sections Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.21: Central Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.7: Northeast Corner Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Of ruin and rooms that breathe Jessica Kreutter
Yellow Mug Victoria Christen
Landfill No.44: Northern Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.29: Central Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.16: Northern Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Each bone, another shadow Jessica Kreutter
Green and Blue Basket Victoria Christen
White Shovel Victoria Christen
Landfill No.43: Southern Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.27: Western Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.7: Western Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Of ruin and rooms that breathe (detail) Jessica Kreutter
Yellow Teapot Victoria Christen
White and Yellow shovel pots Victoria Christen
Landfill No.43: Central Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.21: Northeast Corner Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Landfill No.7: Southeast Corner Cross Section Jonathan Mess
Yellow Shovel Victoria Christen
White and Red Basket Victoria Christen