Title: Lietuva (detail)
Creator: Rimas VisGirda
Date: 2006
Temperature: unfired
Technique: coiling
Glazing/Surface Treatment: slip-trailing
Material: porcelain | decomposed granite | granite | grog
Object Type: sculptures
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Title: OZ Grog Pot 2casso
Date: 2007
Technique: throwing
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | slip
Material: porcelain | Australian porcelain (northern ice) | grog
Object Type: containers
Title: Oval Pot with Two Brunettes
Date: 2008
Technique: throwing and altering
Glazing/Surface Treatment: underglaze | wax inlay | underglaze pencil | china paint | luster glaze
Material: terracotta | grog
Object Type: oval pots
Title: Lietuva
Glazing/Surface Treatment: underglaze pencil | overglaze | slip-trailing
Material: porcelain | decomposed granite | grog | granite
Title: Girl with Blue Cap Teapot
Date: 2005
Glazing/Surface Treatment: underglaze pencil | glaze
Material: porcelain | grog | wax out
Object Type: teapots
Title: Altar
Creator: Chris Baskin
Date: 2000
Temperature: cone 11
Technique: handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: oxide wash | glaze
Material: stoneware | grog | brick
Lietuva (detail) Rimas VisGirda
Girl with Blue Cap Teapot Rimas VisGirda
OZ Grog Pot 2casso Rimas VisGirda
Altar Chris Baskin
Oval Pot with Two Brunettes Rimas VisGirda
Lietuva Rimas VisGirda