Title: Hybrid Flask 1
Creator: Peter Biddulph
Date: 2017
Temperature: 1280 C
Technique: 3D Modelling | slip casting | rapid prototyping
Glazing/Surface Treatment: iridescent crystalline glaze
Material: southern ice porcelain
Save Image: download (right-click, select "save as")
Link to image: link
Technique: slip casting | 3D Modelling | rapid prototyping
Title: Arc Flask
Technique: slip casting | rapid prototyping | 3D modeling
Glazing/Surface Treatment: iridescent crystalline glaze | tenmoku interior
Material: fine white stoneware
Object Type: flasks
Technique: slip casting | rapid prototyping | 3D Modelling
Glazing/Surface Treatment: tenmoku interior | iridescent crystalline glaze
Technique: rapid prototyping | 3D modeling
Title: Sake flask 'Arc' 2012
Date: 2012
Temperature: 1300 C
Technique: rapid prototyping | slip casting
Glazing/Surface Treatment: iron tenmoku glaze
Material: stoneware
Title: Sake cup 'Wave' 2012
Title: Sake flask and cup
Glazing/Surface Treatment: iron and cobalt tenmoku glaze
Object Type: sake sets
Technique: rapid prototyping | rapid prototyping | slip casting
Title: Tripod Guinomi
Date: 2011
Glazing/Surface Treatment: polishing
Material: southern ice porcelain | southern ice porcelain
Object Type: cups
Material: LEDs | southern ice porcelain
Title: Generated Objects 4 and 3 (of 5)
Date: 2009
Temperature: 1280 C | oxidation
Technique: 3D modeling | rapid prototyping | slip casting
Glazing/Surface Treatment: polishing | glaze
Material: southern ice porcelain | LEDs
Title: Doppod Tripod
Creator: Malcolm Mobutu Smith
Date: 2008
Temperature: unfired
Technique: digital manipulation | rapid prototyping
Glazing/Surface Treatment: digital image | digital printing
Material: gypsum
Object Type: vessels | sculptures | sculptures | bottles
Title: Ornot Tripod
Hybrid Flask 1 Peter Biddulph
Arc Flask Peter Biddulph
Sake flask 'Arc' 2012 Peter Biddulph
Sake flask and cup Peter Biddulph
Tripod Guinomi Peter Biddulph
Sake cup 'Wave' 2012 Peter Biddulph
Generated Objects 4 and 3 (of 5) Peter Biddulph
Doppod Tripod Malcolm Mobutu Smith
Ornot Tripod Malcolm Mobutu Smith