Title: Mop & Bucket
Creator: Hans Borgonjon
Date: 2007
Temperature: 1260 C
Technique: handbuilding | slip casting
Glazing/Surface Treatment: platinum luster
Material: earthenware | mop
Object Type: conceptual
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Title: untitled
Material: earthenware
Object Type: vessels | sculptures
Title: Tray
Creator: Bryan Hopkins
Date: 2008
Temperature: cone 11
Technique: throwing and altering
Glazing/Surface Treatment: clear glaze | platinum luster
Material: porcelain
Object Type: trays
Title: Basket
Date: 2009
Object Type: baskets
Title: Vase
Object Type: vases
Temperature: cone 11 | cone 11
Technique: throwing and altering | throwing and altering
Object Type: vessels
Mop & Bucket Hans Borgonjon
Basket Bryan Hopkins
untitled Hans Borgonjon
Tray Bryan Hopkins
Vase Bryan Hopkins