Title: Nesting Sheep Pitcher Pals
Creator: Stephanie Osser
Date: 2014
Temperature: cone 6
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze | decal
Material: slip cast porcelain
Object Type: dinnerware
Save Image: download (right-click, select "save as")
Link to image: link
Title: Tableware set
Creator: Deborah Schwartzkopf
Date: 2012
Technique: throwing | handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: glaze
Material: porcelain
Title: share
Creator: gwendolyn yoppolo
Date: 2011
Temperature: cone 10
Glazing/Surface Treatment: matte crystalline glaze
Title: sip
Date: 2010
Title: infuse
Title: tea for two
Date: 2009
Title: eat for two
Technique: throwing | handbuilding | press molding
Title: Dinner Setting
Creator: Meredith Host
Technique: throwing
Glazing/Surface Treatment: screen printing | decal
Title: Leaf Dinnerware
Creator: Hayne Bayless
Technique: handbuilding
Glazing/Surface Treatment: stenciling | slip inlay | copper matte glaze
Material: stoneware
Title: Dinner Plate
Creator: Maren Kloppmann
Date: 2007
Temperature: cone 8
Technique: slab method
Glazing/Surface Treatment: electric oxidation
Title: Whispy Pitcher
Creator: Simon Levin
Date: 2008
Glazing/Surface Treatment: wood firing
Object Type: pitchers | dinnerware | vessels
Title: From The Earth Place Setting
Nesting Sheep Pitcher Pals Stephanie Osser
sip gwendolyn yoppolo
eat for two gwendolyn yoppolo
Dinner Setting Meredith Host
Dinner Plate Maren Kloppmann
Tableware set Deborah Schwartzkopf
infuse gwendolyn yoppolo
Whispy Pitcher Simon Levin
share gwendolyn yoppolo
tea for two gwendolyn yoppolo
From The Earth Place Setting Simon Levin
Leaf Dinnerware Hayne Bayless